Monday, March 23, 2009

Trying to Keep Up.....

So my last post was on March 4 and today is the 23rd!!! YIKES!!! I did say I was really going to try this blogging so here is a quick post to keep up....the last couple of weekends was birthday stuff. One weekend we celebrated my birthday and the next we celebrated my nephew Anthony's birthday. I do have pictures which I will post soon. I also did some yard work with my mom and dad....thank God for retired parents - he, he! Seriously, I am so thankful they came over to help and I am so excited to see our grass come in and the other projects that we will be working on. I will definitely post pix of the progress on that. Also, Manny and I and the kids decided to take a spur of the moment day trip to Sedona....soooo beautiful! We definitely weren't prepared for the super windy weather, so our trip was kind of cut short but we did have a really good time and so did the kids. Simon kept looking at all the big red mountains around us and loved them! Here are just a few pix of our day....

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What a treasure!!

When Myra woke up this morning, the first thing she asked for was her little jewelry box I got for her at Hobby Lobby. (Love that store!) I found it on top of our dresser in our bedroom and when I grabed it, it felt a little full. I was immidiately curious about what was in it - so I opened it and what I found gave me a little chuckle. She had stuffed as many Barbie shoes that she could possibly fit in it and kept it as her little treasure. This is just a little reminder of Myra's sweet, delicate personality. I love you my little love-bug!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A few more...

So, I do know that there is a "right" way of blogging and I WILL get there one day, hopefully soon. For now, this is it and I know that I am keeping precious memories that are special to me and will be one day to my babies.

"It's my birthday.....

and I'll do a photo shoot if I want too!" LOL! Yes, today is my birthday and I decided NOT to work on the business and take the kids out on a little photo shoot. This is just right around the corner of my home and the day was overcast so I said "Why not?". These are just a few of my favs....ok so maybe more than a few!