Monday, March 23, 2009

Trying to Keep Up.....

So my last post was on March 4 and today is the 23rd!!! YIKES!!! I did say I was really going to try this blogging so here is a quick post to keep up....the last couple of weekends was birthday stuff. One weekend we celebrated my birthday and the next we celebrated my nephew Anthony's birthday. I do have pictures which I will post soon. I also did some yard work with my mom and dad....thank God for retired parents - he, he! Seriously, I am so thankful they came over to help and I am so excited to see our grass come in and the other projects that we will be working on. I will definitely post pix of the progress on that. Also, Manny and I and the kids decided to take a spur of the moment day trip to Sedona....soooo beautiful! We definitely weren't prepared for the super windy weather, so our trip was kind of cut short but we did have a really good time and so did the kids. Simon kept looking at all the big red mountains around us and loved them! Here are just a few pix of our day....

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What a treasure!!

When Myra woke up this morning, the first thing she asked for was her little jewelry box I got for her at Hobby Lobby. (Love that store!) I found it on top of our dresser in our bedroom and when I grabed it, it felt a little full. I was immidiately curious about what was in it - so I opened it and what I found gave me a little chuckle. She had stuffed as many Barbie shoes that she could possibly fit in it and kept it as her little treasure. This is just a little reminder of Myra's sweet, delicate personality. I love you my little love-bug!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A few more...

So, I do know that there is a "right" way of blogging and I WILL get there one day, hopefully soon. For now, this is it and I know that I am keeping precious memories that are special to me and will be one day to my babies.

"It's my birthday.....

and I'll do a photo shoot if I want too!" LOL! Yes, today is my birthday and I decided NOT to work on the business and take the kids out on a little photo shoot. This is just right around the corner of my home and the day was overcast so I said "Why not?". These are just a few of my favs....ok so maybe more than a few!

Monday, February 23, 2009

A day in the life....

A beautiful day!
And the kids love to play in the backyard on a day like this.

Nothing too fancy. Just a little bit of basketball, "catch-me-if-you-can" and of course Myra has to bring her baby. I must admit she's an excellent "mommy". Sometimes I take little tips from her - he, he....

Go, Simon Go!! He really thinks his Spiderman slippers make him go faster!


I love when flowers start to bloom on my cacti. This is all inspired by my mom. Maybe one day I'll get some pictures of her garden and post them.

This cactus was the first to bloom this year.

Here goes nothing....

OK - so now I'm blogging, I've decided to take the dive. My goal is to capture my everday life with my children, husband, family and friends. I don't want to lose those precious moments that can so easily slip through the cracks of our minds. Also, this will be just one way that I can take some time to journal. I know these memories will be priceless especially when my babies are all grown up and I can show them what life was for them, (at least through a lens). goes nothing!!